You have to bear in mind that when I went to buy a camera the guy sold me a crap camera. Either that or I jam just bollox at taking snap shots...
To say the least...I am not, or claim to be a photographer.
Czech nymphing however is something I think I do well.
Here is a few of my bead patterns that I use 99.9% of the time.
Hook sizes are 12 and 14 with a few at 16.
Beads from the hobby shop
Various nymphs, bead patterns and spiders below. Taken from 1 box of 4.
Here are the winners...
L to R top row...1st and 2nd are the most effective.
L to R middle row...2nd and 3rd are most effective.
L to R bottom row...1st is most effective.
Favourite patterns...Top and middle rows center fly.
You get the idea. I hope